Merge Google And Apple Calendar 2024

How to Merge Multiple Google Calendars Into One TimeTackle
How to Merge Multiple Google Calendars Into One TimeTackle from

Are you tired of juggling two separate calendar apps for your personal and professional life? With Google and Apple dominating the market, it can be a challenge to seamlessly merge the two. However, with a few tips and tricks, you can streamline your schedule and simplify your life in 2024.

Step 1: Export Your Calendars

The first step in merging your Google and Apple calendars is to export both. You can do this by going to your Google Calendar settings and selecting “Export” under the “Calendar” tab. For Apple Calendar, go to “File” and then “Export.” Save both calendars to your desktop or a shared folder.

Step 2: Import Your Calendars

Once you have exported your calendars, it’s time to import them into one unified calendar. Open your Google Calendar and click “Import” under the “Calendar” tab. Select the file you saved earlier and upload it. Then, go to your Apple Calendar and repeat the process for the second file. Your calendars should now be merged into one.

Step 3: Sync Your Devices

To ensure that your merged calendar is accessible on all of your devices, you need to sync them. Go to your device settings and select “Accounts” or “Mail, Contacts, Calendars.” Add your Google account if you haven’t already and enable calendar sync. For Apple devices, go to “Settings” and then “Passwords & Accounts” and do the same. Your calendar should now be accessible on all of your devices.

Step 4: Customize Your View

Now that your calendars are merged, you can customize your view to make it easier to navigate. Select “Settings” in your Google Calendar and choose “View Options.” Here, you can change the color of your events and choose which calendars to display. In Apple Calendar, click “View” and then “Show Calendars.” You can then select which calendars to display and how to view them.


Q: What if I don’t want to merge all of my events?

A: When importing your calendars, you can choose which events to include or exclude. Simply select the events you want to merge and leave out the rest.

Q: Can I still use Siri or Google Assistant to schedule events?

A: Yes, you can still use voice commands to schedule events on your merged calendar. Simply activate Siri or Google Assistant and say “Schedule an event on my calendar.”

Q: What if I have trouble syncing my devices?

A: If you have trouble syncing your devices, try logging out of your account and logging back in. You can also try restarting your device or reaching out to customer support for further assistance.

By following these simple steps, you can merge your Google and Apple calendars and simplify your schedule in 2024. Say goodbye to double bookings and hello to a more streamlined life.

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