New Jersey Motion Calendar 2024

2024 Calendar
2024 Calendar from


If you are a legal professional or someone who has to deal with the legal system in New Jersey, you may have heard of the term “motion calendar”. A motion calendar is a schedule of dates on which a court hears motions, or requests for a ruling or order, filed by parties to a case. In this article, we will discuss the New Jersey motion calendar for the year 2024 and provide you with all the information you need to know.

What is the New Jersey Motion Calendar?

The New Jersey motion calendar is a schedule of dates on which motions are heard in the Superior Court of New Jersey. The Superior Court is the highest trial court in the state and has general jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases. The motion calendar is used to schedule hearings on various types of motions, including but not limited to, motions to dismiss, motions for summary judgment, and motions for temporary restraining orders.

Why is the Motion Calendar Important?

The motion calendar is important because it provides a predictable and efficient way for parties to a case to schedule hearings on their motions. Without a motion calendar, parties would have to wait for a judge to become available to hear their motion, which could take weeks or months. By having a set schedule for when motions are heard, parties can plan ahead and ensure that their motion will be heard in a timely manner.

When is the New Jersey Motion Calendar for 2024?

The New Jersey motion calendar for 2024 has not been released yet. However, the motion calendar for 2023 was released in December 2022, so it is likely that the 2024 calendar will be released around the same time in 2023. Once the calendar is released, it will be available on the New Jersey Courts website.

How Can I Find Out When My Motion Will Be Heard?

If you have filed a motion in a New Jersey court, you will receive a notice of motion that will specify the date and time of your hearing. You can also check the New Jersey Courts website for the motion calendar to see when your motion is scheduled to be heard. It is important to note that the motion calendar is subject to change, so it is always a good idea to confirm the date and time of your hearing with the court.

What Should I Bring to a Motion Hearing?

When you attend a motion hearing, you should bring a copy of your motion papers, any supporting documents or evidence, and a copy of the notice of motion. You should also dress appropriately and be prepared to argue your motion before the judge. It is a good idea to review the New Jersey Rules of Court and any relevant case law before your hearing to ensure that you are prepared to make your best argument.

What Happens at a Motion Hearing?

At a motion hearing, the parties to the case will appear before a judge who will hear arguments from both sides and make a ruling on the motion. The judge may ask questions of the parties or request additional evidence before making a decision. It is important to be prepared to make your argument and respond to any questions the judge may have.


The New Jersey motion calendar is an important tool for parties to a case to schedule hearings on their motions in a timely and efficient manner. By understanding how the motion calendar works and what to expect at a motion hearing, you can be better prepared to navigate the legal system in New Jersey. If you have any questions about the New Jersey motion calendar or need assistance with a legal matter, it is always a good idea to consult with an experienced attorney.

Question and Answer

Q: What is the difference between a motion and an appeal?

A: A motion is a request to a court to rule on a specific issue in a case, while an appeal is a request to a higher court to review a decision made by a lower court. Motions are typically filed during the course of a case, while appeals are filed after a final judgment has been entered.

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