Outlook Create Shared Calendar For Group 2024

Sharing a calendar and opening a shared calendar in Outlook
Sharing a calendar and opening a shared calendar in Outlook from confluence.salisbury.edu


Outlook is one of the most popular email and calendar apps used worldwide. It allows you to organize your schedule, set reminders, and manage your tasks. One of the best features of Outlook is the ability to create and share calendars. This allows your team or group to stay on the same page and never miss an event or meeting. In this article, we will guide you on how to create a shared calendar for your group in Outlook 2024.

Why use a shared calendar?

A shared calendar is a great way to keep everyone on the same page. It ensures that everyone is aware of upcoming events, meetings or deadlines. It saves time and effort as you do not need to send individual invitations or reminders to each person. Additionally, a shared calendar promotes transparency and accountability within the team or group.

How to Create a Shared Calendar

Creating a shared calendar in Outlook is straightforward. Here are the steps:

  1. Open Outlook 2024 and click on the “Calendar” tab
  2. Click on “New Calendar” in the ribbon at the top
  3. Choose a name for the calendar, and select a color to help identify it
  4. Select “Share Calendar” from the ribbon
  5. Add the people or group you want to share the calendar with
  6. Select the level of access you want to grant. You can choose from “Can view when I’m busy,” “Can view titles and locations,” or “Can edit”
  7. Click “OK” to save your changes


Q: Can I share my calendar with people outside my organization?

A: Yes, you can share your calendar with anyone, regardless of whether they are part of your organization or not. However, you need to make sure that the person has an Outlook account to access the calendar.

Q: Can I edit someone else’s shared calendar?

A: It depends on the level of access you have been granted. If you have been given “Can edit” permission, you can make changes to the calendar. However, if you have been given “Can view when I’m busy” or “Can view titles and locations” permission, you can only view the calendar and cannot make any changes.

Q: How do I remove someone from a shared calendar?

A: To remove someone from a shared calendar, follow these steps:

  1. Open the shared calendar
  2. Right-click on the person’s name
  3. Select “Remove” from the dropdown menu
  4. Click “OK” to save your changes


Creating a shared calendar in Outlook 2024 is an excellent way to keep your team or group organized. It promotes transparency, accountability, and ensures that everyone is on the same page. By following the steps outlined in this article, you will be able to create a shared calendar in no time. Don’t forget to customize the permissions to ensure that everyone has the appropriate level of access.

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