Zone 6B Seed Starting Calendar 2024

Zone 4 Seed Starting Calendar
Zone 4 Seed Starting Calendar from


Starting seeds is a great way to get a head start on your garden, and having a seed starting calendar can help ensure that you start your seeds at the right time. If you live in zone 6b, you know that the weather can be unpredictable, so it’s important to have a calendar that takes that into account.

What is a Seed Starting Calendar?

A seed starting calendar is a guide that tells you when to start your seeds indoors based on your location and the expected last frost date. It takes into account the number of weeks that each type of seed needs to grow before being transplanted outside.

Why is a Seed Starting Calendar Important?

Starting your seeds at the right time is crucial to the success of your garden. If you start them too early, they may get too big and be difficult to transplant. If you start them too late, they may not have enough time to mature before the end of the growing season.

Zone 6b Seed Starting Calendar 2024

Based on the expected last frost date of April 15th, here is a seed starting calendar for zone 6b:


– Start onions, leeks, and shallots indoors (10-12 weeks before last frost date)

– Start broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage indoors (8-10 weeks before last frost date)


– Start peppers and eggplants indoors (8-10 weeks before last frost date)

– Start tomatoes indoors (6-8 weeks before last frost date)


– Start cucumbers and squash indoors (4-6 weeks before last frost date)

– Start beans and corn outdoors (2-3 weeks before last frost date)


– Transplant onions, leeks, and shallots outdoors

– Transplant broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage outdoors

– Transplant peppers and eggplants outdoors

– Transplant tomatoes outdoors

– Direct sow peas, lettuce, and spinach outdoors


– Direct sow beans, corn, cucumbers, and squash outdoors

– Transplant any remaining seedlings outdoors

Question and Answer

Q: What happens if I start my seeds too early?

A: If you start your seeds too early, they may get too big and be difficult to transplant. They may also become leggy and weak from not getting enough light.

Q: What happens if I start my seeds too late?

A: If you start your seeds too late, they may not have enough time to mature before the end of the growing season. You may end up with small or immature fruits and vegetables.

Q: Can I start all of my seeds indoors?

A: While you can start most seeds indoors, some vegetables like beans and corn do better when sown directly into the ground. It’s important to read the seed packets to see what is recommended for each type of vegetable.

Q: What if I miss the recommended starting date?

A: If you miss the recommended starting date, you can still try to start your seeds and adjust the planting time accordingly. However, keep in mind that this may affect the growth and yield of your plants.

Q: Can I use this calendar for other zones?

A: No, this calendar is specifically for zone 6b. Each zone has its own last frost date, so it’s important to find a seed starting calendar that is specific to your zone.

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